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Cyberfest CTF 2024


Hello 👋, I participated in this CTF with team !ethical as 0x1337

I’ll be giving writeups to some of the challenges which I solved

Challenge Solved




Reverse Engineering

Digital Forensics


Not pretty much so let’s get to it 😉

Do you read


It’s clearly referring to the main page of the site, so I went over there, viewed page source and got the flag image

Flag: ACTF{dont_skip_cutscenes}

Say Hello


Head over to their accounts, follow them go back to the ctf platform then submit Yes :)

Flag: Yes

Do you read 2


Just submit that

Flag: actf{i_did_not_skip_this_cutscene}



Ohh this challenge was pretty easy but I spent some time on it

First I downloaded the attached file and on checking it’s content I got this image


I started thinking this was some sort of hex value 💀

Well after trying I got back to the challenge and read the “description”

Our contact says Nuk deployed a contract using EIP-3855 .

The hexcode calldata of a transaction that will not revert is said to be the key.

I am not a Web3 person but from reading this I knew it was related to Web3

Ok time for some research, first thing I had to search what was “EIP-3855” meant image

Most of what I was seeing was just “PUSH0 instruction”

I tried to learn about “EIP” but didn’t succeed as I could not find any where to get a general basic of what it is

Now i decided to work back with what I have

From reading this it made me conclude that the hex value given as the challenge is a bytecode because the links based on “EIP-3855” was referencing opcode (operational code) and instructions, you can also use the challenge name to conclude your assumption is right (Byteops)

Now that I know this I had to find a way to decompile the bytecode

Searching it up on google gave this and trying to use it worked image

contract Contract {
    function main() {
        var var0 = 0x8266;
        // Unhandled termination

	0000    61  PUSH2 0x8266
	0003    5F  5F
	// Stack delta = +1
	// Outputs[1] { @0000  stack[0] = 0x8266 }
	// Block terminates

	0004    35    CALLDATALOAD
	0005    14    EQ
	0006    15    ISZERO
	0007    60    PUSH1 0x0b
	0009    57    *JUMPI
	000A    00    *STOP
	000B    5B    JUMPDEST
	000C    5F    5F
	000D    80    DUP1
	000E    FD    *REVERT

Ok good now we decompiled it what next?

Well we need to understand what it does and each opcode has the operation it performs so I searched for the opcode list and got this

Before diving into the bytecode we can see that some portion was decompiled correctly and it defines a contract Contract where the main function stores a value 0x8266 in variable var0

At this point of seeing it I went back to the challenge and read the description

The hexcode calldata of a transaction that will not revert is said to be the key.

This looks like the right input to this challenge so I tried it but unfortunately it didn’t work

I did spam lot of it though 💀

Now let’s understand what the bytecode does

First I’ll write what each opcode translates too

PUSH2 - Pushes a 2-byte value onto the stack
CALLDATALOAD - Reads a (u)int256 from message data
EQ - (u)int256 equality
ISZERO - (u)int256 is zero
PUSH1 - Pushes a 1-byte value onto the stack
JUMPI - conditional jump if condition is truthy
STOP - Halts execution of the contract
JUMPDEST - Metadata to annotate possible jump destinations
PUSH0 - Shanghai hardfork, EIP-3855: pushes 0 onto the stack
DUP1 - clones the last value on the stack
REVERT - Byzantium hardfork, EIP-140: reverts with return data

Harmed with this instruction let’s translate what it does

At this point let’s visualize the stack as an array, then it should hold this:

[0x8266, 0x0]

Ok pretty straight forward we just need to provide the value that would make the contract not to revert, and for that to happen the value oughts to be 0x8266

But when I submitted that as flag it wasn’t working

I then decided to work with this dynamically, basically seeing how it works during runtime

Searching for how I could achieve that lead me to evm_playground

This is how it looks like image

So I change the default bytecode there to the one we have image

One thing to note there is that the Calldata form is where we pass in input as hex in this case the value we want to check

First i tried using the value it’s compared to which is 0x8266

Starting it’s execution shows this image

We can click on next instruction image

After the CALLDATALOAD instruction we see our given value has multiple 0’s image

I don’t really know how i can say this but i think it’s just like how memory address are when it uses msb to represent data

Like in this case CALLDATALOAD reads an unsigned 256 bits int

When I checked the size of (u)int256 in solidity I got it to be 2^256-1

If you compute that and compare it with the length of the value we have you should see this image

This means it’s just alligned based on the size of the data type

When we continue the execution it will hit REVERT because of course the values aren’t equal image

So here’s the value I used


Using that the execution hits STOP which means this is the expected value

We can then submit that :)

Flag: ACTF{0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008266}



This challenge was pretty much created due to a rant about why there were no very trivial challs 😄

– We asked for it…


– He delivered


Now let’s get to it

Going to the attached url doesn’t show anything image

Viewing page source reveals nothing also image

On checking /robots.txt reveals this path image

Trying to access it downloads an attachment image

The file downloaded was a rust compiled executable image

I ran it and got this message image

At this point when solving it I actually had to CTRL+C because during the prequal there was a rev chall which would logout the current session so I thought it was the same but luckily it wasn’t

Strings & grepping for the flag pattern reveals the flag image

Flag: aCtF{robotTxt_and_strings_as_requested}

For the last two webs I wasn’t the one who solved it but my teammate, incase you are wondering what the solution is here’s the payload used:

— Mystique

//note I renamed most of the obfuscated variables for better understanding. 

onSubmit, the login() function is called which sets the following varaibles.

- publicKey stores a JSEncrypt key object gotten from the setPublicKey() function.
    - The setPublicKey() function stores a PEM key in the key variable.
    - creates a new JSEncrypt object and stores it in the jsEncryptedKey variable.
    - it finally uses the .setPublicKey() method on the JSEncrypt object to the set the public key to the PEM key above.

- randomText stores a randomText generated by the generateRandomText() function
    - I don't this is really important

- encryptedData stores the encrypted data returned from the encryptData() function which takes publicKey and randomText as arguments
    - The encryptData function stores the result of concatinating 'user' + randomText in a variable data. 
    - encrypts the data using the publicKey.encrypt() method

- sendEncryptedData makes a POST request to the /Flag endpoint with the encryptedData as argument.
    - before the request is sent, the encryptedData is url-encoded

[+] Steps to recreate
    In your console, run the following . .
        - var key = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0ziDyee9fICsEJ5ebGyv\n N1toEnOGBwYQrehsuOfkNXm4BKoBgiSXJGAeU/+4JeXrkaX7pejDF1loZvKXFIfA\n RaaNIqDbsZfIYPB0nMpaYrXreO6R+7jyWN6a0uPTOyaYYlCdhLRjciV8w7PBcO/e\n iVzCajZSp+uNqlVz3s83o+LOl0B/RLNNUPrUjwvj7s4dattJhtKLts1mC1V7aHcL\n JquS5E2OqAzps2DzVJ1sezHmvJGw9/8+58AMwqFTwixP37+FhuAbNGUN5DHRUjSK\n zscmDAgE+HN+GPwOx6ynpVmrubqWsZ0CL14mxtfVYNUBopI/BACZYdn2B/Eze1ay\n uQIDAQAB\n -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n'
        - var jsEncryptedKey = new JSEncrypt()
        - jsEncryptedKey.setPublicKey(key)
        - sendEncryptedData(jsEncryptedKey.encrypt("admin"+generateRandomText())

— Daredevil

sendEncryptedData(encryptData(key,"admin:' or password like *"))

checking the source code, we need to send the user and password seperated by ':' encrypted.

sendEncryptedData(encryptData(setPublicKey(), "admin:admin")) 

when you send the above in your browser console, you should get "Invalid Username or password" as the response. 

but when you send this instead, 

sendEncryptedData(encryptData(key,"admin' and password like '%'--:admin"))

we get the following response "Login for admin' and password like '%'-- not allowed", so we can guess the password like that.

Finding nulock


This was the first reverse engineering challenge, and we were given an apk file image

First thing I tried was to unzip the file, grep for the flag, convert the dex files to jar using dex2jar, decompile the converted dex file using jd-gui

Doing that I didn’t really get anything and jd-gui decompilation was a bit off

So I tried using an online decompiler image

Next i downloaded the zip file image

Unzipping it and opening in vscode should give this image

Looking through the classes i saw Payload.java which looked interesting

Viewing it shows this image

We can right away tell we should decode that

I just copied and paste that array to python interpreter then converted them to chr image

That gives error and that’s because it isn’t in the printable range for example -5 isn’t a printable value

To fix this we need to AND it with 255 == 0xff which is equivalent to % 256 and that would make each value there in the printable range image

With that we get the flag

Flag: ACTF{Dynamic_Analysis_h0s7_R3v3al5}



The second and last reverse engineering challenge

We are given an executable file image

The description states that it’s a malware yet silly me still ran it 💀

When I ran it, the program asks for input image

After we give it input then it would log out from the current session

That’s why i am running it in gdb so that it won’t logout yet

One important thing is this:

Input the flag. I'll let you know if it's correct

The program claims it will let us know if our provided input is right? That means it’s going to be giving us an oracle which would basically allow us know if each character of the given input is right or wrong therefore giving us the primitive to brute force the flag

But before we think of brute forcing I needed a way to prevent it from logging out

I threw the binary into Ghidra to do some reversing or so I thought?

Unfortunately the binary is a rust compiled binary and I am not familiar with rust so I had some issue with figuring out what it does

But my goal was to figure out the instruction which would call program to logout our session and thereby patching it

Starting from the entry function I got this image

The main function is the first parameter passed to __libc_start_main which is FUN_0012bc90

Clicking on it shows this image

void FUN_0012bc90(int param_1,undefined8 param_2)

  code *local_8;
  local_8 = FUN_0012b890;

Variable local_8 is a function pointer to FUN_0012b890

Clicking on that shows this, which seems to be the function that handles the input validation and presumably the logout function? image image image

Since it’s going to logout after we give it input i decided to start clicking on functions which is at the end

    local_90 = &PTR_s_Wrong!_Input_the_flag._I'll_let_y_00398098;
    local_88 = 1;
    local_80 = 
    "Wrong!\nInput the flag. I\'ll let you know if it\'s correct\nFailed to read inputmain.rsYou\'re  partially right\n"
    local_78 = ZEXT816(0);
    local_90 = (undefined **)thunk_FUN_00167990();
    if (local_90 != (undefined **)0x0) {
    goto LAB_0012bb04;
  goto LAB_0012ba50;

On clicking funtion thunk_FUN_00167990, i saw that it’s the function that handles the logout image

The function names are stripped which makes assumption hard since I don’t know rust but we can tell because of this:

cVar6 = FUN_001671e0("org.gnome.SessionManager/org/gnome/SessionManagerorg.kde.ksmserver/KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterfacelogoutorg.xfce.SessionManager/org/xfce/SessionManagerorg.freedesktop.log in1/org/freedesktop/login1org.freedesktop.login1.ManagerLogout"

The logout string there should just make you guess you are at the right track (don’t quote me) 👀

Now that we figured that we need to patch the opcode image

        0012baea ff 15 58        CALL       qword ptr [->thunk_FUN_00167990]                 undefined thunk_FUN_00167990()
                 d3 27 00                                                                    = 0012de50

So we will change 0xff1558d32700 to 0x909090909090

With that instead of the program calling that function it will just do nothing (nop -> no operation)

Here’s the script I wrote to patch it

with open("sore", "rb") as f:
    binary = f.read()


binary = binary.replace(b"\xff\x15\x58\xd3\x27\x00", b'\x90'*6)

with open("patched", "wb") as f:

Running that it should patch the binary and now we can easily run it

To confirm if the program would do what it says I tried this image

Luckily it wasn’t a bluff and now we can brute force

Here’s the script I wrote to achieve that

import string
import subprocess

flag = ""
charset = string.ascii_letters + '_{}'

while True:
    for char in charset:
        command = f"echo {flag+char} | ./patched"
        execute = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
        output, err = execute.communicate()
        print(f"Trying {flag+char}")

        if 'Wrong' not in output:
            flag += char
    if flag[-1] == "}":

print(f"FLAG: {flag}")

Running it works and I got the flag asciicast

Flag: ACTF{xor_xor_diff}

Whispers in the Wires

We are given a pcap file and when I opened it in Wireshark I got this image image

First thing I tried was to get an idea of the protocol hierarchy image

There’s HTTP protocol but after checking it I didn’t see anything of relevance there

I actually spent lot of time working on this but it was an easy challenge once you just figure it out

I saw that there were various DNS protocol and it looked weird image

The domain queried first was 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000002c10000019008060000004f.shadowheadquarters.com

At this point I knew it was using DNS exfiltration because that’s the header of a png file

Incase you don’t know what DNS exfiltration is, it’s basically a means by which attackers/red-teamers exfiltrates data using the dns protocol

So what we need to do now is to extract all the values from the dns queried then convert it from hex

Actually during the ctf I extracted it manually by using strings and some match & replace magic but my teammate used a one linear which made life easier image

tshark -r ctf.pcapng | grep shadowheadquarters.com | grep -v response | cut -d "A" -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1 | xxd -r -p > lol.png

Running that command would decode the image file image

When we open it we get this image

Just a blue pane image

I went over to aperisolve and got the flag in the view->superimposed pane image

UPDATE: Another way you could have extracted it is using Scapy Python Module

from scapy.all import *

packets = rdpcap("ctf.pcapng")
dns_packets = []

for packet in packets:
    if packet.haslayer(DNSRR):
        if isinstance(packet.an, DNSRR):

hex_bytes = b""

for dns_name in dns_packets:
    if dns_name[-24:] == b".shadowheadquarters.com.":
        hex_bytes += bytes.fromhex(dns_name[:-24].decode())

with open('dumped', "wb") as f:
Flag: ACTF{our_secrets_are_in_plain_sight!!}

Hip Hip HIp!


Just submit that :)

Flag: ACTF{Happy_Birthday!_Lytes}

Well that’s all xD

At the end of the ctf prequalification my team placed 1st while during the final we placed 2nd image

The writeups are mostly the prequalification, since I couldn’t attend the final due to exam :(
