Playing Hacks and Stuffs!
Here’s the writeup I put up on my team mate blog: @writeup
Going over the url shows this
We have the option to register and login
So I will register since I don’t have any credentials
After I registered I got this
From that we can see we would be able to write any html tag but javascript is disabled
When I clicked create New
note I got this
I can inject any tag I want
After creating it I got this
Ok it actually allows any tag
But it isn’t executed
We can share the note to the admin
I tried to inject script tag to alert ‘test’
But it didn’t work though the tag is there
The interesting thing to think is that why isn’t that javascript executing?
Well if you take a look at debug console you will see this
There’s CSP which would prevent us from performing XSS
But actually the response gives the nonce
So because we have that we can bypass the CSP
Looking around the web app shows this function
We can reset our password
Now this is interesting because we know that we can share our note to the admin user and we have XSS
So this gives us an opportunity to escalate the XSS to CSRF
This is the request made when resetting a password
We can now leverage this to change the admin password
Here’s the exploit script
<script nonce=2726c7f26c>
const url = '';
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: 'password=chained',
I created a note with that content
Then I shared it to admin
We can now login with admin:chained
And the flag is shown after login in
Flag: flag{look_at_me_im_the_admin_now}