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Playing Hacks and Stuffs!

Project maintained by h4ckyou Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

KnightCTF 2024


During the weekend I and my team mates from @error participated in the ctf and we ended up 11th on the leaderboard image image

With me playing as user 0x1337 I solved challenges from various categories like:

I solved all challenges from the first 2 categories and I’ll be dropping my solve scripts (currently too lazy to make a writeup)

To view my solve scripts checkout: here

I didn’t drop solve script for the first & second rev because they can be solved without writing a script cause:

The catch in all the reverse challenges was that they were all Statically Linked & Stripped…..So figuring exactly the functions being used was the main thing for the second rev I suppose

Anyways that’s all

GGs to my team mates!! certificate