Playing Hacks and Stuffs!
Difficulty = Hard
Nmap Scan:
We can see the domain name flight.htb I added it to my /etc/hosts file
So there are lots of port but lets start enumerating
Checking smb doesn’t allow anonymous listing of shares
Moving over to the web server on port 80 shows this
There’s nothing really there
So lets fuzz for subdomains
I’ll update my /etc/hosts file with the new sub domain
Checking it shows this
When I clicked on the home button i get this
Noticing the url we can see that it’s including the file home.html
We can say that this is vulnerable to local file inclusion lets confirm it
One way we can exploit this is by trying to perform ntlm hash theft
Using responder i’ll steal the ntlm hash
While on the web server I’ll do this
Back on responder I got the hash for user svc_apache
I brute forced it using JTR
Now we have a cred svc_apache:S@Ss!K@*t13
Trying to authenticate to winrm fails
But we can login to smb using the cred
It shows the smb hostname as G0 I also added that to my /etc/hosts file
We don’t really have good access over the shares but searching through the shares doesn’t reveal any form of interesting cred
One thing we can do since we have smb cred is to get list of users on the box via rid bruteforce then perform a password spraying attack
I saved the result in a file then used bash scripting to get only the usernames there
crackmapexec smb flight.htb -u 'svc_apache' -p 'S@Ss!K@*t13' --rid-brute > brute
cat brute | awk '{print $6}' | grep flight | cut -d '\' -f 2 | grep -v svc_apache > users.txt
Now we can use kerbrute to perform password spraying
Cool we have another user’s cred S.Moon:S@Ss!K@*t13
Trying the cred over winrm fails
Checking the perm the user has over smb shows this
Nice we have write access over the Shared share
But looking at the shares shows that no file is there
What we can attempt to do is to upload a file whether scf or ini to perform ntlm hash theft
I used this script to generate the payload file
I had responder listening already and after some seconds I got a hit
I saved the hash then brute forced it using JTR
We have another cred c.bum:Tikkycoll_431012284
Using cme i tried if it can connect to winrm but nope it can’t
Checking the perm the user has over smb gives this
Nice we have access over the Web shares
Moving over there shows that this is where the web server files are placed
I uploaded a php command execution script
We can now access it from the web server
To get shell I uploaded nc to the smb and then got shell from it
Shell finally 😃
Lets see what we can do from here
But what I noticed that the current working directory was C:\xampp\htdocs\flight.htb but there’s a inetpub directory in the C:/ drive
So this means maybe there’s an internal web app running 🤔
Checking that directory shows this
We can conclude that the only user privileged to access the development directory is user C.Bum
Though we have the user’s cred but since our shell can’t work well when we run runas i’ll need a better shell
Luckily there’s a tool called RunasCs that can help with this
I uploaded it to the box then got to switch to user c.bum
Back to the web directory it shows the user has write access over it
So what i did was to upload a aspx shell since the web server will be IIS
Now lets see if there’s any internal port
Command: netstat -ano
Port 8000 looks promising cause something is listening on it
And yea it’s a web server
Using chisel I port forwarded the internal port
Back on our host we can now access the internal web server
To access our shell is as easy as going over to /shell.aspx
I got a reverse shell via using nc
We can see that we’re user iis apppool\defaultapppool and it’s a Microsoft Virtual Account. One thing about these accounts is that when they authenticate over the network, they do so as the machine account.
From this we can basically abuse this, by just asking the machine for a ticket for the machine account over the network.
The tool that is used is Rubeus