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Playing Hacks and Stuffs!

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Minimum Common Value


My thought process!

  1. We are given two arrays and we’re asked to find the minimum common value in the two arrays
  2. Iterate through the list of lower size and binary search each element in the other array
  3. If found i’ll return the value since it’s the first mininmum common value

Solution Script: link

Well my script in terms of speed takes quite some time since I’m literally going over each elements in the first array. image

If I’m to take the worst case scenerio I’ll have to loop through at least 100,000 elements in the array

Or performing binary search for a number as large as 1000000000 but that isn’t a big deal cause the time complexity of binary search is 0(log N) while the other is more of like linear search whose complexity is O(N)

Another way I found is to use Two Pointers approach:

Here’s what that does:

The idea behind that is that it will get a number from the first array whereby no elements in the second array will be less than or greater than the chosen number in array1

That works because both arrays are sorted

Here’s the script: link

Running it shows it is more effective than my previous solve script image