Playing Hacks and Stuffs!
The Hack The Box platform provides a wealth of challenges - in the form of virtual machines - simulating real-world security issues and vulnerabilities that are constantly provided and updated by the community. Some of them simulate real-world scenarios, and some lean more towards a CTF style of approach.<hr>
Command Injection, Reverse Engineering, Sudo
Ansible Vault, PWM, ADCS
SSRF, Command Injection, Sudo
Source Code Analysis, File Inclusion, Nginx Misconfiguration, Redis, Python Format String Vulnerability
Enumeration, AWS, RCE
Web Socket, SQLite Injection
Python Code Injection, Gitea, Source Code Analysis
LFI, Source Code Review, Command Injection, Cypher Injection
Icinga CVE, Path Transversal, RCE, Pivoting, Windows Joined Domain
File Upload, Directory Transveral, Spring, Ansible
Source Code Review, LFI, File Upload Vuln, PHP Dfunc Bypass, Python Code Injection, Sudo
LFI, IDOR, Sudo Edit
SMB, MSSQl, Log File Review, Certificate Template Abuse
NOSQl Injection, XXE, NodeJS Insecure Deserialization, MongoDB
Wordpress, LFI, GdbServer, Screen
PHP 8.1.0-dev Exploit, Sudo
LFI, Reverse Engineering, Json Insecure Deserialization, Dotnet
OpenNetAdmin, MYSQL, Port Forwarding, Sudo
Command Injection, Path Hijack
LFI, GIT, SSRF, PHP Filter Chain, GIT Indent, Service Abuse
SNMP, PandoraFMS, SQli, Suid, Reverse Engineering, Path Hijack
Wordpress, RocketChat, RCE, Kernel
Auth Bypass, LFI, SQli, Fail2ban
SMB, Openssl, LAPS
SMB, Reverse Engineering, Not Completed Yet ............
HeartBleed, Openssl, Tmux
Shellshock, Sudo
Pi, Sudo
Wordpress, Java Reverse Engineering, Sudo
DNS, File Upload, Suid
EternalBlue, Msf
NibbleBlog, Sudo
Php Bash, Cron
CSRF, Linux Subsystem
Webdav, Metasploit
Webdav, Metasploit
Drupal, Mysql, Snap
SCF Attack, Outdated Driver
NoSQl Auth Bypass, LFI, Misconfiguration
Command Injection, Cron, Outlook, Windows Event Logs, Reverse Engineering
ColdFusion, RCE
Command Injection
LFI, Hydra
File Upload, RCE
Metasploit, Command Injection
Msfvenom, Command Injection, Sudo